“The key is acceptance”

After a prolonged era of sadness, a drastic shift was on the horizon. My only goal to change her perspective, lessen her suffering and make life simpler. Getting her to understand nothing happens by chance, it’s all for a purpose, and part of the soul evolution journey. With most of life spent planning for every possible outcome, what else could be expected but a chronic overthinker, always anxious. She was trying to produce a movie while being the main character, come on.

Thinking life was happening to her, it got treated as an enemy. I told her, there is a reason for everything, look deeper, find the lessons. Life teaches, stop resisting it, take what it gives. Manage your expectations and stop assuming. Practice nonattachment, for nothing is permanent, we are constantly changing and evolving. Have compassion, we all live different realities. Be empathetic and judge not, as not one person is better than the other.

Now she knows better, to enjoy life, a newfound freedom. To be the character only and have fun guessing at outcomes. To release worry and control, to let go, knowing she will be okay, ogadinma. What is meant for her will certainly be.