The rising sun

Biafra, the land of the rising sun. In Igbo mythology it is believed everyone has their own personal chi that is connected to the Almighty Chi. Each person the creator of their own destiny. “A highly independent, confident, intelligent, democratic tribe.” She says with a mischievous smile. Chinua Achebe, in There was a country said, “ . . .  unhindered by a wary religion . . . unhampered by traditional hierarchies, this kind of creature fearing no god or man was custom-made to grasp opportunities . . . ”

In a country with much cultural and religious diversity, certain outcomes are inevitable when fruits of the ego such as pride and envy are added to the equation. Peace is elusive when there is lack of contentment, humility, unity, and justice. Nobody wins in war, because it is against the very nature of our essence to inflict unspeakable pain on others. Though majority are gods with amnesia, there will still be consequences, seen or unseen for every action. No one is all good or bad. And being a victim doesn’t mean one is completely innocent.

Healing looks like not having the same intense feeling(s) every time a past trauma is triggered in present time. One way to heal is to face our emotions, to feel them, understand them, express them, and ultimately let go, repeatedly. Acknowledgment and atonement will come in time, but awareness of history is important to avoid recurrence. Healing this inter-generational trauma as a collective is imperative. Especially for those coming behind, the custodians of the key to the country’s future.