“The ultimate game“
Humans don’t exist in the way we think. We are relatively real, but not absolutely. This is the reason for impermanence. Nothing real ever changes, truth is constant. Consciousness is playing the game. It is the dancer dancing the dance. Alan Watts said, “Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun.” The human role has been played so well, we have fooled ourselves and forgotten our true essence. The world is a dream and souls are asleep. We are more likely to wake up from a nightmare, hence the suffering in the physical realm.
In the way our souls transcend time and space, humans only exist in it. Certain events are way beyond human conception that incessant pondering may lead to insanity. It remains a mystery to scientists what preceded the universe and why it was created. The big bang theory summarily says the universe came from nothing. In religious literature, God is source, omnipotent, omniscience, omnipresent and the creator of the universe. Which implies that everything is God, in the same way everything is energy in science. We see nothing yet acknowledge something.
Our souls write our paths because we have free will as co-creators. We choose the life experiences that will teach and help us evolve on our soul journey. As humans, the key is acceptance for we only have the freedom of choice. The world may look chaotic but only because there are things we can’t see or hear. Which is precisely why we must let our souls guide us. Since there are different paths to one destination, we must unlearn false teachings, and relearn directly from our souls and experiences. There are probabilities and consequences in this life or the next for every action we make.
The unmanifested, unseen, spirit world is home to our souls, just as the manifested, seen, physical world is home to humans. The beauty of death and birth is a game of hide and seek between both worlds. Until we realize our essence, graduate karmic school aka earth, and become transcended beings, one with Source, “nothing”, part of universal consciousness, also called heaven.
Earth is a template, a matrix, a simulation, a game. Our ultimate purpose is to remember who and what we are. Nothing really matters, but we should honour and appreciate being here while we have the chance. Enjoy it, create, learn, make the world a better place. Experience being human and all it comes with. But know you are the observer, consciousness, soul, energy, god. To realize this knowledge is the awakening. Everyone will be okay in the end, that’s the hilarious perfection of the ultimate game.
“I’m not the kind of guy who believes in hell, or in a god who imagines a lake of fire. I just can’t see it- you have a mind that’s wider than the sky and that is what you use it to picture? To me, that sounds too petty, too human, too undivine to be real. People sell all kinds of gods all the time. I know the One that moves me and it’s not the one I was raised on. To me, you can’t say you’re love, choose to roast people for eternity, and then pretend it breaks your heart. Pick a side.” – Good boy, Eloghosa Osunde.