“A blank slate“
A fresh start tends to be easier with a new person than within a damaged relationship. But if we want long term connections, maybe we should ask ourselves if leaving is always the answer. Will we spend our entire lives in pursuit of perfection, even though we are flawed. If we can’t forgive and reconcile (based on context) with those we love or even deeply care for, how can we extend this to the next person. We may be incapable of forgiveness at a moment in time, but sincere willingness to forgive is always a big step on the recovery journey.
There is value in commitment, more so when our feelings don’t align. Breaking realistic commitments for invalid reasons has a ripple effect on us and our relationships. Actions that seem inconsequential to us, may have deep-rooted, long-lasting effects on the people we love and care about. Fortunately, consideration pushes us to put ourselves in the receiver’s shoes before acting. A pause that could save us from short- and long-term consequences. Care demands a high level of conduct that doesn’t touch the level love demands. Moreover, both leave room for human error.
A person who is naturally disciplined, patient, forgiving, or kind, may not necessarily hold love in their heart. However, love itself is so deep and foundational, it ignites different qualities in us. Humility being one of many influences how we serve others. Our actions and demeanour. Our choice of words and tone. The way we handle our inevitable slip ups. Humility weakens our ego structure. Which is a good thing since pride comes before a fall. Yes, inner work is difficult, but we must pass through the fire. Only then can the opposing traits in us be removed in order to prepare a blank slate.