“Different paths to one destination”

Religion is a tool to guide us on our spiritual journey. I discovered a quote that essentially said in science it’s called energy, in the streets, vibes and in religion, spirits. The same thing, just different names. It’s not a tool to divide us, but in the hands of humans the reality comes as no surprise. All preach love and peace at the core of their message. There is one truth, one law, one source, one God and we are all expressions of the Universal Soul. ”So, I’m a god? We are all gods?“ Well yes I say, but not in an egotistical way (pun intended).

“I say, you are gods; you are all children of the Most High” – Psalm 82 vs 6.

“Fascinating, all that’s needed is to tap into this energy?” Exactly! That’s the essence. She’s starting to get it, so I tell her more. The mind is a great tool designed to actualize potential on earth, but the biggest threat to our souls. An untamed mind is the false self, ego. Naturally the saying watch and pray to not enter temptation aka sin, could be interpreted to mean awareness of the body, thoughts, and emotions. To watch one must pray, and to pray is to be present, in everything alias without ceasing. A constant recognition of spirit, to not be lost in thought or emotion, disidentification from mind. The internal struggle to be the best version of self, a battle between soul and ego is a holy war. Defence, religious differences, forced spread and conversion, or defending a belief is simply war, just or not.

If God is just and fair heaven isn’t a place for people of the book or a particular religion, as the lottery of birth determines that. Heaven and hell are a state of mind, and the choice is ours. Heaven, also called nirvana is enlightenment, again similar theories but different words. Hell is the consequence of sin, and perhaps sin is unconsciousness, to be asleep, the true self forgotten. Any visual description of the invisible substance called God, Soul, Spirit, Consciousness is false, for it is beyond the imagination. God is not a man *in Omah lays voice*, there is no superhuman in the sky who answers prayers- praise, worship, thanksgiving (all fine), then a whole lot of requests. Everything needed is within, abundance, peace, truth, paradise. And it’s all in the now, this present moment. “I can’t ask for my wants and needs?!” She exclaims bewildered. Go ahead but God knows even before a request, a yes only indicates alignment to the will of God if not that rejection is redirection. The key is to accept life, have an attitude of gratitude, ask for the will of God to manifest, and be still, listen. “What if I ask for a loved one to not die?” If it’s the persons time to go, no amount of “prayer” can change that.

Consciousness is the energy to be tapped into. Terms like the Buddha-nature or Christlike (not necessarily personal affiliation to the religions) implies this truth. Notice the pattern, human being “presence”, Jesus Christ “anointed one”, Gautama Buddha “enlightened one”. Being, not becoming or was, means existence, life, the nature, or essence of a person, which is spirit. To realise beingness, as much as we realise humanness is to become a true human being. God expressed through Jesus to show the way, precisely why he said, “I am the way, truth, and life.” And “I do nothing of my own but only what the father taught me.” Perhaps in reference to the divine nature, Christ and not the human nature, Jesus. The ascended masters Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, et al., were extremely enlightened individuals. We can attain it on some level by grace and birth our salvation. Things are never as they seem, everything is symbolic at the end of the day. Dunni, the girl with the louding voice said the only way to know if a person has found God is to check how they treat others, is it like Jesus says- with love, patience, kindness, and forgiveness. God speaks to us in multiple ways, and if we seek we shall find. There are signs everywhere, in books, music, science, the big five religions- Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, and others. Any absolute authority that instils fear, shame, guilt, etc., should be questioned. If one is taught how to think and not what to think, space is created to discern right and wrong irrespective of what a system stands for. Be a free spirit, not a slave to tools intended to assist on the journey. God is not synonymous with religion.

Ascend to a higher dimension, discard the illusion of separation. We are one and the same, different manifestations of Soul. Only ego, beliefs and fear separate us. Humanity is divine at the core but limited by the mental and physical realm. To experience the unmanifested world while on earth is indeed a blessing. Look closely and realise everything points to the same idea, there is no one true religion but truth in all. Besides variety is the spice of life, so don’t subscribe to any, pick one, or draw from all. But remember, even though we walk different paths all lead to the same destination.