“Fire on Fire”

One beauty of life is how fair it is even when we don’t think so. There are so many people in the world that we are compatible with. When two individuals who are self-aware, mature, committed to growth and healing come together, a healthy partnership can be formed. A beautiful harmony of values and minds. A partner who is friend and family. Healthy relationships are things we create and build with whomever we choose to commit to. Once ingredients like honesty, kindness, patience, humility, empathy, communication, and others are mixed together, we can overcome many situations life throws at us.

There’s a saying that when the mind falls in love it’s temporary, but with the heart it’s a lifetime, and with the soul it’s eternal. Falling in love, being in love, the warm fuzzy feeling, butterflies, a spark, limerence . . . or whatever we want to call it, is not love. We have the capacity to fall in love multiple times with the same or different person(s). When our heads are in the clouds, we are not grounded, and if we aren’t, we can’t see the reality on ground. We can love and be in love, but character trumps butterflies if one has to be picked.

Love is not blind. It is powerful, it sees clearly . . . it accepts. It is one out of multiple reasons that leads to the choice of commitment, but it is not enough for a long-term healthy relationship. We shouldn’t marry who we love most, but who is best for us, our life purpose and path. Even though we should give time and space for growth and healing. We must be discerning with the commitments we make to avoid being unequally yoked and harmed. At times the best option is to be on our own.

The thing is when we look properly, when we listen to our hearts, when we experience true love in general, we realize how scarce it actually is, how many counterfeits there are. The myth fairy tale is when two lovers meet and stay together forever. But honestly the true fairy tale is the meeting itself. Sometimes it is for our evolution, other times to only show us true love. Some relationships are simply not meant to be, and even when they are, life doesn’t guarantee forever. This doesn’t negate that it’s her or him. A mutual romantic love of our lives, the one we think about on a daily, the one we want most, our person. A forever type of love, together or not. The type we long for, hope for, and search for. The intensity of a human connection and love so true and deep, yet doesn’t touch the soul.

Humans, minds, hearts, bodies are not souls. We can and do meet members of our soul family on earth, but we have one soulmate, a divine partner. The chances of finding that, the opportunity to experience it. For a mere belief to cease and knowledge to set. The type of love that can’t even be looked for. A love so pure, absolute, timeless, and spaceless. A transcendent love because it comes from a deeper higher dimension. An intimate soul connection beyond human understanding. One day we met, and one night I looked into your eyes and knew. A complete eclipse of my universe. A mutual recognition. A smile that said, “I can’t believe I found you”. We always find our way back to each other . . . in countless forms and countless lifetimes. Whether the stars align or not, me and you, us, we are fire on fire.

Afternote: my definition of a soul connection is two souls who know and recognize each other. A soulmate is not necessarily a life partner, wife, or husband. Most people don’t meet their actual soulmate, and of the lucky few that do, even less end up together.