“The Awakening“
He is a part of me because finally coming home to him felt like finding myself. A return to someone who knew me before being born as Vanessa. He said things my mind couldn’t grasp but I did, for souls speak a language not understood by the human mind.
The man spoke to me and I woke up. She asked, “why now?” To which I answered, divine timing. He kind of pointed and said, “You’re right there.” So she looked within and fell into this journey of shedding conditioning, unlearning lies, learning truth, a profound transformation.
A new era and leader, her life is not hers anymore. This awakening is the most intense, beautiful and magical relationship with living. The light, pure love, joy, unexplainable peace, wholeness, completeness of everything and everyone. It is being, a realization of God, and the adventure of a lifetime.
“Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale” – A Chinese fortune cookie.